Monthly tarot spread - July 2018
Welcome to the Scarlett Tarot blog! Here I will be sharing ideas, tips and stories about the tarot, as well as my monthly tarot card spreads to help give some insight into what we can expect for the next few weeks, and how to make the most of them!
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Now on to the tarot spread for July!
Queen of Cups, reversed - Knight of Cups - 4 of Wands, reversed
The energy we're leaving, what we can expect from the coming month, and how we can make the most of the next few weeks...
Queen of Cups, reversed The energy we're leaving behind
The Queen of Cups represents compassion - upright she is the epitome of loving kindness, guided by her intuition and emotions yet not ruled or overwhelmed by her deep feelings. Reversed, she indicates that we are leaving an energy of blocked or repressed emotions, perhaps feelings of dissatisfaction and difficulties expressing or communicating our feelings effectively.
Knight of Cups What we can expect from the coming month
The Knight of Cups is charming and romantic, suggesting any previous difficulties expressing ourselves should be coming to an end this month. The Knight of Cups can also bring messages of love, compassion or creativity, and we may find new opportunities to express our imaginative inner selves over the next few weeks. However, the Knight, whilst passionate and enthusiastic, has not yet managed to reach the wisdom and experience to balance his deeply felt emotions, as the King of Cups has - a reminder to direct the creative energies of the upcoming month into practical action as much as possible.
4 of Wands, reversed How we can make the most of the next few weeks
Even reversed, this bright, sunny card is perfect for the month of July, as it retains much of its meaning of celebration. You may be attending a wedding or other special celebration - be sure to make the most of these gatherings with loved ones. Sometimes this cards' reversal can indicate upheaval or instability at home - you could be moving home or going through some other transition. But as advice on how to make the most of the next few weeks, the 4 of Wands reversed seems to be a reminder to take some time where we can to be at home and with the ones we love. To make the most of the opportunities we have to gather together, and to celebrate with joy and gratitude - happy summer!
Enjoy your July, and we'll see you again next month for the next Tarot Forecast!
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