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Monthly Tarot spread - September 2018

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On to the tarot spread for September!

Knight of Wands - Page of Chalices (Cups) - Ten of Athames (Swords)

The energy we're leaving, what we can expect from the coming month, and how we can make the most of the next few weeks...

Knight of Wands The energy we're leaving behind

The Knight of Wands is a passionate, fiery energy, all about progress, moving forward and even travel. Inspiration, new ideas and enthusiasm may have been spurring us forward recently, though the Knight is also a reminder not to be too reckless with our decision making, and to consider our options carefully before charging ahead. The Knight is a card of self-confidence and self-belief, which should work as a great foundation for us as we head into the month of September.


Page of Chalices (Cups)

What we can expect from the coming month

The Pages of the Tarot represent learning, apprenticeship and honing of a talent or skill. As a Chalice, or Cup card, she represents emotions, intuition and creativity. The Page herself is a depiction of our own inner child, the Chalice in her hand representing new growth or the beginning of a new creative pursuit or passion. Your subconscious is trying to communicate with you - there is a creative energy within you waiting to burst forth. Following on from the Knight of Wands, I would suggest the Page of Chalices is letting us know that now is the perfect time to use the self-confidence, enthusiasm and self-belief we've been building up with the Knight of Wands energy of adventure, to tap into our own creativity and intuition. Learning to trust ourselves and our own insights, can open up new creative, artistic and expressive channels for us now.


10 of Athames (Swords)

How we can make the most of the next few weeks

Traditionally the 10 of Swords is a card about endings, and in many traditional Rider-Waite-Smith depictions this card shows someone who has been literally stabbed in the back, betrayed. However, in this version of the card - the Green Witch Tarot deck interpretation - the Athames (or Swords) form a circle of protection around the witch as she performs a healing and cleansing ritual. The Mandrake root in her hand is also a symbol of healing and banishing negativity. This card is still about endings, but here the focus is more on healing from past pains. The adivce then to help us make the most of the next few weeks, would be to let go of any negativity or hurts that we've been carrying, so that we can move on to the next chapter of our lives lighter, freer, and ready to make the most of the creative, intuitive energy the Page of Chalices, our 2nd card, has already promised us.

Enjoy your September, and we'll see you again next month for the next Tarot Forecast!

Deck used: The Green Witch Tarot deck.

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