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Choose your Tarot card, choose your message

I love these because they're such an easy way for anyone to get involved with Tarot - simply pick the card you are most drawn to, and choose your message!

So take a moment to stop, take a few deep breaths, and try to relax. Choose the first card you are drawn to, from the cards numbered 1, 2, and 3 in the image below.

Scroll down to read which card you chose and discover its meaning.

Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy!

Scroll down to reveal your choice...


If you picked card number 1, then you chose the Hierophant

If you chose card number one, you picked the Hierophant, also sometimes called the Pope card, the male counterpart to the High Priestess. However, where the High Priestess is related to our intuition and inner knowing, the Hierophant is also about spiritual growth but through much more traditional, structured means. The Hierophant is associated with all things traditional, structured, and organised - such as large institutions of all kinds, including religions. Often, the Hierophant can represent a wise teacher or mentor who is currently in or is about to enter your life. This person is likely to be very traditional and will like to follow the tried and tested methods - they are not one to 'rock the boat'. However, they do posses great wisdom and so if this sounds like a person in your life, be open to the lessons which they may be able to teach you and wisdom they may have to share. Sometimes this card can also represent that it is time for you to step into more of a leadership role - what wisdom and knowledge do you have to share with others? As well as representing a mentor, the Hierophant can simply be a message not to stray too far from traditional methods at this time. Following conventional routes and rules whilst honouring the commitments of tradition are highly favoured for you now, as is any kind of formal learning or membership of an institution or group where you feel you belong.

If you picked card number 2 - you chose the 5 of Swords

The 5 of Swords is associated with conflict, competition, and deception. If you picked this card, you should be wary of anyone who may try to deceive you - keep your guard up at this time, especially around competitive kinds of people who may be willing to sacrifice their principles for the sake of 'victory'. At the same time, sometimes conflict is necessary, so the 5 of Swords also reminds us that competition can be healthy - you may need to be willing to stand your ground and stand up for what you believe in now. The 5 of Swords asks how you can do this without compromising your principles or standards - don't be tempted to engage in deceitful behaviour yourself. So being assertive and standing your ground in matters which are important to you may be necessary at this time, but try to do this by using honesty to achieve your goals. The number 5 is also associated with change and upheaval, so you may be experiencing disruption at the moment. The 5 of Swords encourages you to put your own interests first - but to do so in an honest and open way - to help you navigate this time of transition.

If you chose card number 3 - you picked the Ace of Pentacles

The Aces of the Tarot are always associated with new beginnings, the spark of a new idea, project or plan. The suit of Pentacles is related to everything physical and material, so the Ace of Pentacles most often represents that a new opportunity will be presenting itself to you very soon - this could be a new business venture, financial opportunity or the start of a new project. The lush green garden and mountains in the distance represent the abundance and prosperity which is available to you now - again this can be financial prosperity, but Pentacles also represent all kinds of wealth and abundance. This is a positive card indicating new, fresh energy - if you've been thinking of trying something new the Ace of Pentacles is encouragement to go for it. Now is the time to grow that seed of your idea into physical reality - often this can be related to business, career and finances, but it could also represent the start of a new relationship too. Make the most of all the opportunities coming your way now, and remember to share generously with those around you, is the message of the Ace of Pentacles. By recognising and sharing your wealth and abundance with a grateful attitude, you will attract even more prosperity, as you allow yourself to become a part of the flow of give and take that is a natural part of life.

I hope you all have a magical rest of the week!

Pictured deck is the Morgan-Greer Tarot deck.

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