Choose your Tarot card, choose your message
It may be rainy and cold here in the UK in November, but that doesn't mean we can't still have some card pick fun!
So stop for a moment, take a few deep breaths, and try to relax. Choose the first card you are drawn to from the cards numbered 1, 2, and 3 in the image below.
Scroll down to read which card you chose and discover its meaning.
Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy!
Scroll down to reveal your choice...
If you picked card number 1, then you chose The Star
A beautiful card in the Major Arcana, and one of my personal favourite Tarot cards, the Star is associated with hope, wishes, dreams and healing. If you chose the Star card today, then your message is to try and maintain a positive attitude, and to keep on believing in your dreams. You may have been through some difficult times, but you have held onto your hope and this is going to pay off for you in the near future. Now is a wonderful time to 'make a wish upon a star' - to go after your dreams - and don't be afraid to think big! The Star card also reminds us that we can always be a source of inspiration to others, by allowing the light of our true selves to shine through. When you allow your natural beauty to shine through just by being yourself, you give those around you the confidence and inspiration to be free, and to let their own light shine too. The Star is also associated with healing, so you may like to take some time for self-care now, in whatever form you find most helpful for you. This can be any kind of healing - physical, emotional, mental - and it can involve anything from spending time in nature, playing sports or taking part in physical exercise, to creative activities such as painting, playing music, writing - anything that helps you to relax and heal. Listen to your own body and instincts about what you need most right now, and trust in yourself. Overall the Star is a very positive card which encourages you to have hope and faith in yourself, and in a brighter future ahead of you. If you can continue to remain positive and focused on your dreams, the Star card is telling you that it is within your power to achieve your deepest wishes and desires.
If you picked card number 2 - you chose the 4 of Swords
The 4 of Swords usually shows a Knight laying down peacefully in full armour, often in what looks like a church, with the 4 Swords hanging either over his head or nearby. The Swords cards are always associated with the mind, our intellect, logical thinking and communication. In this card, the 4 Swords hanging over or near the Knights head represent either worries and fears that have been on his mind, or recent battles he has fought. If you chose this card today, then you may be feeling like the Knight in the 4 of Swords - exhausted, weary from battles, whether external, or with the worries and fears in your own mind. The advice of the 4 of Swords is extremely clear - you need time to rest, to recuperate and regain your full strength. You may need to take some time out alone, and if this is the case the 4 of Swords is encouraging you to do what you need to do - this period of rest will be healing for you. The association with the church in the background can sometimes suggest that you may find help and comfort in your spirituality now, and if you like to mediate or pray this is also a wonderful time to do so. If you have a big decision to make, the 4 of Swords indicates you may want to sleep on it, before you commit to your choice. Consider all your options carefully. If you've been struggling with a difficult situation or issue recently, the 4 of Swords also indicates that you now have an opportunity to put these troubles behind you and move forward into a future free of these worries. Try to focus on recovery and healing, and before you know it you'll be back to your full Knight strength, ready to fight another day!
If you chose card number 3 - you picked 2 of Cups
The 2 of Cups is a card of partnership, balance, harmony and unity. As with all of the Cups card, the 2 of Cups is related to emotions and relationships, and with the number 2, the focus is on our relationships and partnerships with others. The 2 of Cups is often thought of as the 'soul mate' card, as it can be associated with the heady and exciting feelings of a blossoming new relationship, so if you have recently been feeling drawn to a new acquaintance or have been wondering about a new potential love interest, the 2 of Cups encourages you to explore this new potential relationship. And even if there are no new romances on the horizon for you at the moment, the 2 of Cups is letting you know that now is a fantastic time to reach out to others, to try to keep both an open mind and open heart. All relationships require effort from both parties, so don't be afraid to make an offer or invitation to those you would like to spend time with, and strengthen your bonds. The 2 of Cups also represents harmony, unity and balance, so if you chose this card today, your message is that now is a positive time to share with others, especially when relating to your emotions, and to enjoy the balance of both giving and receiving in your relationships. Let your loved ones know how you feel - and enjoy receiving the affection and love they share with you.
I hope you all have a great weekend! Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.
Pictured deck is the Morgan-Greer Tarot deck.
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