Monthly Tarot spread - November 2018
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On to the tarot spread for November!
The Tower - Two of Cups - Queen of Disks

The energy we're leaving, what we can expect from the coming month, and how we can make the most of the next few weeks...

The Tower The energy we're leaving behind
The Tower, as you can see from its depiction here in my Luna Sol Tarot deck, is about sudden, disruptive change. The people falling from the tower, and the tower itself in flames, demonstrate the turbulent and sometimes unsettling kind of change that the Tower card represents. As the energy we're leaving behind, the Tower suggests that we've recently been through what may have been quite a difficult time, where everything we thought was solid has shifted under our feet. Anything that wasn't built on a solid foundation won't have survived the past few weeks. The good news is, as the energy we're leaving behind, the Tower indicates that we're moving on from the tempestuous storms of the past few weeks, into a period where we can survey the damage, pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin rebuilding - this time on a solid foundation for the future.

Two of Cups
What we can expect from the next few weeks
The 2 of Cups is often considered the 'soulmate' or 'twin flame' card of the Tarot deck. It's associations, as you can see from the picture, are all to do with balance, co-operation, opposites attracting and partnerships. As what we can expect over the next few weeks, the 2 of Cups is saying that our relationships are going to be front and centre - we'll need the support and help of others to keep moving forward now. This may be a time where our relationships are blossoming, and we may find new friends or acquaintances coming into our lives, or the bonds that we already have within existing relationships will be growing stronger. The way for us to make the most of this time is to be open and compassionate in our dealings with others, to be prepared to make compromises and co-operate, and to really listen to our loved ones and try to meet them where they are. If we can achieve all of this, the next few weeks promise a fantastic opportunity for all of us to enjoy the flourishing of our relationships with others, bringing joy, love and harmony into our lives. Brilliant news!

Queen of Disks (Pentacles)
How we can make the most of the next few weeks
The Queen of Disks, often called Pentacles or Coins, is the natural master of all that her suit represents. The suit of Disks is all about the material, earthy, and physical, and as such the Queen herself is in touch with her sensual nature, confident and secure in the abundance all around her which she both receives and shares. The Queen understands that by sharing her wealth with others she attracts more of the same to flow to her. As our advice on how to make the most of the coming weeks, then, the Queen suggests that we should take some time to really enjoy and appreciate the material and physical pleasures all around us - this can be anything from good food and wine, to enjoying time spent in nature, feeling the wind on our faces and sun on our skin - it can even be encouragement to let our sexy, sensual side out for some fun! We are all physical beings, and it can be easy to forget the joy and pleasure to be had all around us as we spend so much time distracted by day-to-day responsibilities and chores. When we make the effort to be here in the moment of now, and mindfully enjoy the experiences and sensations that are immediately available to us, we are able to capture the magic of being alive in the moment. The Queen of Disks as our advice for the next few weeks encourages us to be like the Queen, and to make the effort to enjoy the material pleasures that are in front of us, whilst also remembering to receive and share the wealth and abundance we are lucky enough to enjoy with those around us, instantly magnetising more of the same to flow naturally back to us.
Enjoy the end of November, and we'll see you again next month for the next Tarot Forecast!
Deck used: The Luna Sol Tarot deck.
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