Choose your Tarot card message
It's time for another quick fun card pick!
So stop for a moment, take a few deep breaths, and try to relax. Choose the first card you are drawn to from the cards numbered 1, 2, and 3 in the image below.
Scroll down to read which card you chose and discover its meaning.
Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy!

Scroll down to reveal your choice...

If you picked card number 1, then you chose the 9 of Pentacles
The 9 of Pentacles shows a woman richly dressed, in my Morgan-Greer deck she is wearing lots of purple, which is associated with royalty and luxury, holding bunches of grapes which represent abundance, and has a peacock sitting on her shoulder - again, this bird has often been associated with royalty and splendour due to its magnificent tail feathers. As with each of the cards numbered 9 in the Tarot deck, this card also represents that you are nearing the end of a cycle, and with the suit of Pentacles which is always associated with all that is material and physical, this suggests that a career project, financial cycle or some other sequence of events in your physical world will soon be coming to a close. You may have been working very hard to progress forward on your journey, and the advice of the 9 of Pentacles is to take some time to stop and enjoy everything you have achieved and earned so far. Just like the woman in the 9 of Pentacles, you can afford to take some time to pamper yourself and enjoy life's little luxuries - this would be a fantastic time to treat yourself to a spa day or massage. But it doesn't have to be something expensive - it can be as simple as taking a long relaxing bath, going for a walk out in nature or even enjoying a bowlful of grapes! As long as you are enjoying yourself, being present in the moment and making the most of all that you have, you are heeding the advice of the 9 of Pentacles in your day. If you've been struggling through a difficult or unstable financial situation recently, the 9 of Pentacles is encouragement that this cycle is coming to an end. Now is also a good time to build on the security and stability that you've already created, to continue your growth and expand on what you've already built. Surround yourself with beauty and comfort as much as you can now - there is no sense in working as hard as you have to achieve your goals if you aren't going to enjoy the fruits of your labour!
If you picked card number 2 - you chose the Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands is a very positive card, as the Aces of each suit are associated with new beginnings, fresh starts and the seed of new ideas. As the Ace of the suit of Wands, this card is associated with fire, passion, creativity and drive. Like the mysterious hand emerging from the clouds in my Morgan-Greer deck, seizing the wooden wand in it's grasp, the Ace of Wands is encouragement for you to seize the day and move forward with whatever plan or idea you have been considering. Particularly if this relates to a creative project or something which would allow you to express yourself creatively, to follow your passions and desires, then the Ace of Wands is suggesting that this is a fantastic time to go for it and really follow your dreams. The strong and single-minded message of the Ace of Wands is to be bold and brave, to step forward confidently and most importantly, to follow your passions. Use the creative fire of what excites you to help you find your way and drive you forward. If you have been considering a new job offer or change of career, again the Ace of Wands suggests this would be a positive step for you. If you have been hoping to start a new relationship the Ace of Wands is also a positive sign, especially as it suggests that if you haven't already you may soon be encountering someone that you share a strong and fiery attraction to! The advice of the Ace of Wands for you today then, is to go ahead and step confidently in the direction of your dreams - this is the ideal time for you to follow your heart and let your passions lead the way.
If you chose card number 3 - you picked 10 of Cups
The 10 of Cups is a card of emotional fulfilment, harmonious relationships and happiness. The 10 cards of each suit represent the end of a cycle, the closing of one chapter ready for the beginning of a new one. This should not be seen as negative however, especially as the 10 of Cups is usually considered a very positive card. As the suit of Cups always relates to our emotions, our feelings and our relationships with others, the 10 of Cups could relate to, for example, deciding to move in with a long term partner, getting engaged or starting or expanding your family. These natural changes and developments in our relationships may mean the ending of our circumstances as they currently are, but the 10 of Cups reminds us that we have it within our own control to ensure that we are happy and emotionally fulfilled in our families and wider connections. The advice of the 10 of Cups would therefore be to really enjoy our relationships and our bonds with loved ones. To make the most of time spent with those we care for and who bring us joy. As indicated by the rainbow which is a common feature on the 10 of Cups cards, harmony and cooperation with others is highly recommended at this time - if you chose the 10 of Cups today, you will find you are successful in your current objectives when you are able to coordinate with others. Now is a great time to welcome in others and enjoy the benefits of being part of a team. If you've been feeling lonely or struggling to cope lately, the 10 of Cups is a reminder to reach out to those around you. There are always those available to help if we can remember to just reach out and ask for it, and we shouldn't be ashamed to lean on others when we are in need of support. If you have been hoping to start a new relationship or, more likely, to move your current romantic relationship to the next level, the 10 of Cups is very positive encouragement that there is a connection in your life which has the potential to bring great emotional joy and fulfilment to you. However, as the two hands intertwined in my Morgan-Greer depiction of this card shows, the success of any of our relationships depends on equal balance and partnership, giving and receiving from both sides. So the advice of the 10 of Cups today would be to make the most of our relationships, to put the effort in with our loved ones and to enjoy the rewards of our shared connections at this time.
I hope you all have a great end of the week! Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.
Pictured deck is the Morgan-Greer Tarot deck.
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