Choose your Tarot card, choose your message
Let's kick off the weekend with another quick fun card pick!
Stop for a moment, take a few deep breaths, and try to relax. Choose the first card you are drawn to from the cards numbered 1, 2, and 3 in the image below.
Scroll down to read which card you chose and discover its meaning.
Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy!

Scroll down to reveal your choice...

If you picked card number 1, then you chose The Wheel
The Wheel represents the changes which are a natural part of life for us all. Just as we all experience moments of sadness, loss, failure and setbacks, the Wheel reminds us that we all have our share of victory, success and joy too. If you have been experiencing a difficult or challenging time lately, the Wheel is an encouraging reminder that no matter how difficult your present circumstances, they will not last forever. When the Wheel appears it is a symbol of change and is often thought of as an omen of good luck, a positive sign that new opportunities are opening up for you. If you chose the Wheel today, the best way for you to make the most of your current situation is to try and be as flexible and open to change as possible. New opportunities and exciting new options may present themselves to you in unexpected ways, so keeping an open mind will help you to seize on those lucky chances when they do appear. Generally the Wheel is associated with good luck and positive new changes in your life, so if you chose the Wheel today its message for you is to be bold and brave in going after the opportunities and lucky chances that are going to be presenting themselves to you very soon. You have the ability to turn them into positive momentum to help you move forward on your path, if you can be open and ready for the beneficial changes this will bring. The Wheel is encouragement to make the most of this period of positivity to help turn the Wheel of fortune in your favour.
If you picked card number 2 - you chose the Princess of Pentacles
The Princess of Pentacles, also called the Page in some other Tarot decks, is, as with all the Pentacles court cards, in tune with the earth and all things physical, material and sensual. In the Starman Tarot deck, the Princess of Pentacles is depicted barefoot and pregnant, her obvious fertility a symbol of the deep richness of her creativity. The suit of Pentacles, as well as being associated with the earthly and material plane, are also related to strength, and slow but consistent progression. The nurturing of a seed into full blossom over time. If you chose the Princess of Pentacles today, she asks you to consider the seeds you have been planting. Are you building the foundation for the future you want? Are you focusing your efforts on those things which you truly value and which bring fulfilment to you? The Princess of Pentacles is an encouraging card, particularly if you are building a new career or beginning to learn something new, as it is associated with learning and the hard work that leads to mastery of a subject or skill. The message of the Princess of Pentacles today then, is that your dreams or goals are within your power to achieve, but you must put in the work in order to reap the rewards you seek. The aims you are striving for will not be reached overnight, but If you can remain committed and focused on your goals, the Princess of Pentacles promises you are more than capable of creating the abundance and fulfilment you've been working towards.
If you chose card number 3 - you picked the 6 of Cups
The 6 of Cups is often associated with childhood, nostalgia, innocence and a longing for happier times. Sometimes dwelling on the past can bring comfort in the familiarity of reassuring memories, and learning from our past mistakes can also help us to grow and mature. But the 6 of Cups warns us not to allow ourselves to become lost in thoughts of the past. We cannot change what has already happened, neither can we return to simpler times of innocence. But we can enjoy a childlike sense of wonder by tapping into our feelings of gratitude for anything and everything in our lives which brings us fulfilment and joy. The suit of Cups is associated with both our emotions and our creativity, so the 6 of Cups can also be seen as a reminder to try and allow yourself the time and space to express yourself creatively. This could be through painting, singing, writing, dancing - anything that allows you to express yourself freely and fully. Now is an excellent time to connect with your inner child and have some fun! Don't forget to stop and smell the roses every now and then, is the message of the 6 of Cups. If you have your eye on someone that you're interested in romantically, the 6 of Cups also encourages you to think about making them an offer or invitation- you'll never know if they feel the same way as you unless someone is brave enough to ask! You may also want to reach out to an old friend or lover now, and the 6 of Cups reminds us that although there may still be affection and fond feelings for those from our past, we shouldn't let that cloud our vision in the present. Reaching out to an old connection may bring harmony at last, but the 6 of Cups reminds us that if we do so, we must also be careful not to lose sight of everything we are lucky enough to have in the present.
I hope you all have a great weekend! Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.
Pictured deck is the Starman Tarot deck.
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