Choose your Tarot card, choose your message
It's been a while since I've shared one of these, so time for another fun card pick!
Stop for a moment, take a few deep breaths, and try to relax. Choose the first card you are drawn to from the cards numbered 1, 2, and 3 in the image below.
Scroll down to read which card you chose and discover its meaning.
Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy!
Scroll down to reveal your choice...
If you picked card number 1, then you chose The Sun
The Sun is without a doubt one of the most positive cards in the Tarot deck, being associated with joy, enlightenment, freedom and youthful innocence. If you chose the Sun card today, then you can expect a bright weekend ahead with plenty to celebrate and enjoy! If you're not feeling all that joyful yet, then the Sun card promises that brighter days are ahead. Because of the associations with children and youthful fun and innocence, the Sun card can sometimes pop up when we need to show our inner child a little TLC. This can be anything from taking some time to meditate and reflect on what our inner child might need from us now, or it could be something more simple like just allowing ourselves time to take part in an activity that we've enjoyed since childhood. The associations with children also remind us of the sweet pleasure and delight that being around young people can bring, as the exuberance of children shows us how to live in the moment and enjoy every minute of the here and now, instead of worrying about what might happen tomorrow. So if you chose the Sun card today, your message is to go out and spread joy and positivity wherever and however you can. If you've been having a difficult time and don't feel like rejoicing right now, then the Sun card encourages you to try and find happiness wherever you can, even if that is in small, simple pleasures, like the feel of the warm sunshine on your skin. Focusing on what brings us pleasure and joy, even if those things are only small gems of happiness in a challenging time, will help us to attract more of same. When we focus on those experiences we enjoy and would like to repeat, we open ourselves up to seeing and experiencing the pleasure that's available all around us, as we train our minds to look for and savour every opportunity for joy that we encounter.
If you picked card number 2 - you chose the 9 of Swords
The 9 of Swords symbolises worry, anxiety, and overthinking. As the suit of Swords is associated with mental clarity, thoughts and communication, the 9 of Swords represents the kind of worry that keeps you up late at night, tossing and turning, unable to answer your anxious questions but also unable to put your worries far from your mind. You're overthinking, overworrying, and - the silver lining of this card at least - is that the problem or situation that you can't stop thinking about - isn't actually as bad as you think. It may not be the easiest period for you at the moment, and you're likely feeling tired, run down mentally, and exhausted from all your anxious fretting, but the 9 of Swords promises that you're nearing the end of this journey. Although not a particularly positive card, the 9 of Swords does indicate that things really are not as bad as they may seem - things always seem much darker as we lie awake at night, ruminating on our problems and wondering how we will ever manage. But by the cold light of day, we realise that although not everything may be as we want, and we may not have full control of our present situation, we also know that even the worst situations cannot last forever. In my Morgan-Greer Tarot deck, the 9 of Swords shows a paid of hands tightly bound, which represents that there are at least some aspects of your current situation which are completely out of your control - your hands are literally tied. But there are 9 sharp swords above the hands, offering an opportunity to break yourself free. The 9 Swords here represent your mental abilities, which are also opportunities for you to break out of your current situation and find release. Your worries and anxieties are trapping you - but you also have the power to set yourself free. It may not be easy, but the message of the 9 of Swords is that you don't need to carry on suffering in silence - you can choose to face your fears, confront the situation head on, and free yourself from the trap of worry that you're currently in. Grab one of those Swords and claim your freedom!
If you chose card number 3 - you picked the Knight of Pentacles
The Knight of Pentacles could be summarised by the phrase, 'slow and steady wins the race.' He's solid, he's stable, and he takes his sweet time about doing anything! But that's only because he wants to do the job once, and do it right. If you chose the Knight of Pentacles today then, your message would be to take your time and not to rush! As the suit of everything physical and material, the Knight of Pentacles may also be reminding you to keep your feet on the ground - now is the time for taking practical, realistic steps towards making your dreams a reality. As the Knight of Pentacles, we know that this is going to take a while, but on the other hand this also means that whatever project or idea you're working on now will likely be around for a long time - the Knight of Pentacles not only takes his time to get things done, but he's also dedicated, determined and stable - he's not going to go running off at the first sight of another opportunity. This is serious, it's long-term, and it could have the potential to bring you abundance too, as the suit of Pentacles is also associated with abundance and money (in some decks, this suit is even renamed Coins!) - so whatever project, plan or goal you have been working on, the Knight of Pentacles is here to reassure you that it really does have legs and you could take this dream the distance, if you want to. But you'll have to be willing and prepared to put in the effort too - the Knight of Pentacles isn't afraid to work hard when he needs to. If you chose the Knight of Pentacles today, his message for you is that now is a fantastic time to take small but solid steps in the direction of your dreams, focus your efforts and put in the work - don't get derailed just because you don't reach your goal immediately. The Knight of Pentacles wants you to know that you absolutely can make this a success - but you need to take your time, work hard and remain dedicated - if you can do that, then nothing will be able to stop you from making your dream a reality.
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.
Pictured deck is the Morgan-Greer Tarot deck.
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