Beautiful, sensitive Tarot card readings and intuitive coaching for sensitives.
What to expect from your Reading
Readings are completed within 48 hours of confirmation of your order.
I will send you your reading as a PDF via email (or Facebook messenger if you prefer) - your reading will include a list of the cards in your spread, a photo of the cards pulled for your reading, plus the reading itself.
My client Sara has kindly agreed to let me share one of her previous readings with you here, so that you can understand what to expect if you choose to book a reading with Scarlett Tarot.
If you have any questions drop me an email at and I'll be happy to help!
Sara Birthday Spread
1. Last year – Movement (Knight) of Swords
2. Let go of this – 10 of Swords
3. Your gift – 6 of Pentacles
4. Embrace this - Temperance
5. Next year – 7 of Pentacles
6. Message from spirit – Movement (Knight)
of Pentacles, 10 of Pentacles,
and Spirit (King) of Cups
7. Shadow card - Strength
Deck used: The Naked Heart Tarot Deck.
The reading
The card representing the year you’ve just been through in this deck is called the Movement of Swords – the Knight of Swords in most other decks. He is very much associated with action, movement and messages, and as a Sword card is also associated with the truth, mental clarity, logic and clear thinking. The Movement of Swords is a strong energy, rushing forwards and making things happen – it’s an energy of intellect and sharp, clear thinking – but the Swords can be double-edged. Sometimes he speaks the truth without a second thought, not even realising how his words can be hurtful to others at times. As your card for the year you’re now coming out of, this says to me that there has been a LOT going on in the past year. You’ve moved forward really a lot – you probably don’t even realise how much progress you have made. Compare where you are now to where you were this time last year and you will see just how far you really have come. You’ve been focused on speaking your truth and moving forward – and just like the Knight you probably have very good intentions and only want the best outcome for everyone involved (even if things didn’t always work out quite how you envisioned). BUT I see the 2 swords on the ‘past’ side of your reading, and the future side is all cups and pentacles. To me, this is saying that you’ve really been relying on your mind, your intellect, and logic to help you through the past year – and now you’re moving into an energy where your emotions and your practical, material gifts (as in, things you are good at in the ‘real world’) are going to be much more helpful to you moving forward.
This is emphasised by your ‘what to let go of’ card, which is the 10 of Swords. The 10 of Swords of course as with all 10’s, is about the ending of one cycle so that a new one can begin. It can also represent feelings of betrayal and being ‘stabbed in the back’ – it’s not all negative though! I actually see this as a positive card – you’ve been through all the stress and anxiety of the 8 and 9 of Swords – and it’s finally coming to an end. Now that this cycle is ending, you can look forward to a brighter cycle beginning now and the clear message here is to not to try and hold on too much to things that you’re needing to leave behind. Allow the cycles that need to end, to end – so that your exciting new beginnings can start.
The gift you will experience this year is the 6 of Pentacles, which is a really nice energy to see here, because it’s all about balance, and being in the flow of giving and receiving. Allowing yourself to receive, knowing that you are worthy of all the beautiful things which are wanting to manifest for you, and knowing also how to give to others when you have an over-abundance, so you can continue to draw more and more to you all the time – that is being in the flow of abundance and it’s what this card represents here as your gift for this year. This is a really positive card especially in this position, as it indicates that you are uplevelling to a whole new plane where you are going to be creating more wealth, more abundance, more joy, and you’re going to be able to share that with those around you too.
This is again confirmed with your ‘what to embrace’ card, which is Temperance. Temperance is a beautiful card in the Major Arcana – it’s all about balance, healing and integration. The bringing together and blending of opposites. Healing and forgiveness are indicated, but I think that balance is the key message for you here, because it’s repeated in both your gift – the 6 of Pentacles, and with this – Temperance. So, this indicates that embracing, balancing and trying to integrate everything that you’ve learned and all the progress you’ve made over the past year, with the Movement and 10 of Swords. The Swords part of your journey is over for now, it’s time to heal, regain your inner balance and find that natural flow which you can innately access.
Again, I feel that the future card for you also echoes this sentiment – the 7 of Pentacles. The 7 is all about waiting patiently for your hard work to pay off. It’s often represented by some kind of growing, because the energy here is like the farmer who has planted his seeds, tended his crops and worked hard all year – now all that’s left is to wait for the fruits of his labour to ripen, ready for harvest. I feel like the 7 of Pentacles with Temperance and 6 of Pentacles, together they are basically saying you worked your arse off last year!! Now it’s time to actually hang back a little bit, focus on your own healing and integrating everything you’ve learned and been through (Temperance), find your natural balance again and get back into that natural flow of abundance (6 of Pentacles), and be patient. Because all of that hard work is going to pay off. You’re just going to have to wait a bit longer than you’d like until you can really taste that success!
I also wanted to add a little extra message from spirit or from your Higher Self for the kind of advice or path for you to take moving forward. For this part of the spread, you got Movement (Knight) of Pentacles, 10 of Pentacles and Spirit (King) of Cups. Again, you’ve moved away from the quick, rash energy of the Swords suit and into the sloooow and steady pace of the Pentacles. I love Pentacles because they are all about what is real, solid, physical. They don’t move quickly but it’s like slow and steady wins the race – Pentacles energy is all about moving forward slowly, deliberately, and with commitment. The Movement (or Knight) of Pentacles is the slowest moving Knight in the deck (opposed to the fast moving Knight of Swords) but he’s also the most reliable and solid. He might take his sweet time to get where he’s going, but nothing will stand in his way. So, I see this message as calling for you to take on the energy of the Knight of Pentacles – slow, steady and committed. It’s not a race – you’re going to get where you want to go because you have the commitment and determination, not because you rushed it.
I see the 10 of Pentacles as showing that life that you want to build for yourself – a stable, secure foundation for the future. The 10 is all about family, but in the wider context of building a legacy for yourself and your family, a future that will last for many years, and beyond even your own time here as you pass along what you have created to a new generation. Coming in after the Movement of Pentacles, I feel like this is what you’re working towards – the Movement shows the best approach for you to take to get to your goal. The 10 of Pentacles represents what you are working towards, and the Spirit of Cups represents what you’re going to get or the likely outcome if you take this Pentacles approach.
The Spirit (or King) of Cups is the peak of the suit of Cups, he knows how to use his emotions to help him and to connect with others, without allowing them to overwhelm him. He is secure in his power and a very loving, nurturing energy. The Naked Heart Tarot describes the Kings as the point at which you have actually learned all of your lessons from that suit, and now you’re integrating those into your Spirit, into who you are, so that you can move up into the next level of awareness, and so that you can unlock even more of the truth of who you really are, so that you can let that beautiful light shine out into the world. It’s such a lovely message!
I feel that the overall key messages for you in this read were all about taking your time, as being committed and dedicated is much more important than rushing forward at this time, and to try and focus on keeping your own inner balance, healing and integrating the sometimes harsh lessons of the Swords which you were moving through last year.
Your shadow card, at the bottom of the deck, is you! Strength – another beautiful card from the Major Arcana, I feel the message here is really that the lessons you have been learning and everything you’ve been going through, is at least in part showing you just how much inner strength you truly have. You probably have been through things in the past year that if someone had told you about it beforehand, you may have felt like ‘I couldn’t cope with that’ or ‘I wouldn’t know how to deal with that’ – it’s almost like your soul or higher self wants you to see how truly powerful and strong you are. ROAR 😊As your Shadow card, I think the message here is that you may sometimes need to be tapping in to those inner reserves of strength and resilience to help you move forward – but I also feel that it’s basically saying – be true to who you are – and you can’t really fail.
Happy Birthday!!
© Scarlett Tarot 2019.
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